Motivation Define React presentational components with CSS (or even SASS or Less if you like). The implementation is based on CSS modules. In fact React CSS Components is just a thin API on top of CSS modules. NOTE: The current implementation is based on Webpack but everything is ready to be ported onto other build systems (generic API is here just not yet documented). Raise an issue or better submit a PR if you have some ideas. Installation & Usage Install from npm: npm install react-css-components style-loader css-loader Configure in webpack.config.js: module.exports = { ... module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.react.css$/, loader: 'react-css-components', } ] } ... } Now you can author React components in Styles.react.css: Label { color: red; } Label:hover { color: white; } And consume them like regular React components: import {Label} from './styles.react.css' <Lab...