A ReactJS component that can sort any children with touch support and IE8 compatibility - http://jasonslyvia.github.io/react-anything-sortable/demo/ Features Sort any React element you like, images, composite components, etc. No external dependencies but React itself Touch event support Thoroughly tested Quick Demo Live Demo Sort custom style children Sort images Children with custom event handler Installation $ npm install --save react-anything-sortable // UMD build is provided as well, but please do consider use modern module bundlers like webpack or browserify. You have to add necessary styles for sortable to work properly, if you're using bundle tools like webpack, just import 'react-anything-sortable/sortable.css'; Or copy this css to your own style base. How to use You can check the straight-forward demo by examining demo folder, or here's a brief example. In app.js var ReactDOM = require('react-dom'); var Sort...