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A ReactJS component that can sort any children with touch support and IE8 compatibility - Features Sort any React element you like, images, composite components, etc. No external dependencies but React itself Touch event support Thoroughly tested Quick Demo Live Demo Sort custom style children Sort images Children with custom event handler Installation $ npm install --save react-anything-sortable // UMD build is provided as well, but please do consider use modern module bundlers like webpack or browserify. You have to add necessary styles for sortable to work properly, if you're using bundle tools like webpack, just import 'react-anything-sortable/sortable.css'; Or copy this css to your own style base. How to use You can check the straight-forward demo by examining demo folder, or here's a brief example. In app.js var ReactDOM = require('react-dom'); var Sort


Simply synchronize a component's state with localStorage, when available. Usage A simple component: var React = require('react'); var LocalStorageMixin = require('react-localstorage'); var TestComponent = module.exports = React.createClass({ displayName: 'TestComponent', // This is all you need to do mixins: [LocalStorageMixin], getInitialState: function() { return {counter: 0}; }, onClick: function() { this.setState({counter: this.state.counter + 1}); }, render: function() { return ( <span onClick={this.onClick}>{this.state.counter}</span> ); } }); Options The key that state is serialized to under localStorage is chosen with the following code: function getLocalStorageKey(component) { if (component.getLocalStorageKey) return component.getLocalStorageKey(); if (component.props.localStorageKey === false) return false; if (typeof component.props.localStor

Rx Visualizer - Animated playground for Rx Observables

Description RxViz simply visualizes a given Observable. Your JavaScript code will be evaluated, and, if the last expression is an Observable, a nice animated visualization will appear. You can also: Control the speed of the animation by modifying the Time window input. Copy the resulting SVG to include in your next Rx presentation. Share the visualization with your friends. Examples Basic interval Random error Higher order Observable Pause and resume How does it work? RxViz treats the evaluated Observable as a black box. We rely only on the fact that Observable emits values over time. RxViz doesn't rely on the internals of RxJS. This will allow us to visualize TC39 Observables in the future. Technically, we subscribe to the given Observable, and, once a value is observed, we simply add it to the visualization. It's that simple! How about higher order Observables? No different. Since a higher order Observable is simply an Observable whose values

Declarative router component for React. Project Overview Usage is as simple as just returning a configured router component from your component's render() method: <Locations> <Location path="/" handler={MainPage} /> <Location path="/users/:username" handler={UserPage} /> <Location path="/search/*" handler={SearchPage} /> <Location path={/\/product\/([0-9]*)/} handler={ProductPage} /> </Locations> Having routes defined as a part of your component hierarchy allows to dynamically reconfigure routing based on your application state. For example you can return a different set of allowed locations for anonymous and signed-in users. React router component can dispatch based on location.pathname or location.hash if browser doesn't support History API (see hash routing ). Props can be passed through the router by setting them directly on each , or to all possible routes via a childPro

React Autosuggest

Demo Check out the Homepage and the Codepen examples . Features WAI-ARIA compliant , with support for ARIA attributes and keyboard interactions Mobile friendly Plugs in nicely to Flux and Redux applications Full control over suggestions rendering Suggestions can be presented as plain list or multiple sections Suggestions can be retrieved asynchronously Highlight the first suggestion in the list if you wish Supports styling using CSS Modules , Radium , Aphrodite , JSS , and more You decide when to show suggestions (e.g. when user types 2 or more characters) Always render suggestions (useful for mobile and modals) Pass through arbitrary props to the input (e.g. placeholder, type, onChange , onBlur , or any other), or take full control on the rendering of the input (useful for integration with other libraries) Thoroughly tested Installation yarn add react-autosuggest or npm install react-autosuggest --save You can also use the standalone UMD bu